Love is Longsuffering

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 13:4 Murdock

Love is long-suffering, and is kind; . . .

In a previous teaching we (ihlcc) spoke about “Love the Foundation for Life”. In that teaching we discussed how all people need the Love of God and it is God’s Love for us that models our love for others. Then in the next lesson we briefly spoke on “How to Love” by explaining three major keys 1) we must be willing to identify with the suffering of Jesus, 2) studying love from God’s Word and 3) obeying God when you know what to do. In today’s lesson we will look a little deeper into the first attribute of God’s Love according to 1 Corinthians 13:4. We notice the very first ingredient mentioned about God’s Love (old English - Charity, Greek “Agape”) is that “He (Love, God) Is Longsuffering”. The word “Longsuffering” comes from two separate words which are “long” and “suffering”. Thus, one must be able to suffer for a long time to even be considered “longsuffering”. A basic definition of “longsuffering” means to endure trouble, outlast provocation, possessing patience during a test, temptation and/or trial. Yes, even some bible translations will go so far as to substitute the word patience for “longsuffering” but they are two separate words because they both have different meanings. While “longsuffering” involves patience you could be patience without suffering a trial or circumstance. Generally speaking “longsuffering” always involves suffering in one way or another. Sometimes we suffer when things are not going our way, other times it could be suffering abuse or neglect. Not only does the one going through the affliction have to suffer but they must “be longsuffering” which means they must be able to suffer for a long time. Someone might ask, “How long do I have to suffer?” The correct answer to that question is simply, “However long it takes”. This means you must have God’s Love inside of you to give you added strength and calmness during the storm. We (ihlcc) wish all trials passed in sixty (60) days or less but that is not reality. Yes, some battles may take years to totally resolve. In one case we (ihlcc) had a physical battle at one time that took over five (5) for us to gain dominion over. These long extended battles can happen when there are other people involved because we cannot control other people’s wills. The situation could have been resolved in three years tops but sometimes people are willing to fight you until they are forced to concede. We also must point out that being “longsuffering” is right and being “longsuffering” is godly but the next words in the verse state “and is kind”. Some people suffer through a lot of problems but they are not kind to others. We also must state that complaining and griping about the circumstance you are facing is not “longsuffering” either. Things like unkindness, complaining, griping in frustration is a huge problem because they are all violations of God’s Word. To be pleasing to God you must be willing to do the whole counsel of God not just the portions of scriptures you like. Yes, no one said being “longsuffering” would be easy but it is right because it is godly (being like God as a true child of God). Some people make the mistake of thinking they can act “longsuffering” when necessary but they are missing the main point because we are not told to act but rather “to be longsuffering”. Yes, Love (God) is “longsuffering”. As a believer in Christ Jesus you must be open to His definition of who you are not your basic understanding of what is reasonable to a mere human mind. For we have the Mind of Christ through God’s Word. We are not to follow natural human reasoning which states, “If someone is mean to me I have the right to be mean to them in return”. Some people appease their conscience by thinking as long as they have a good reason to be upset God understands. No, our faith friend, our Lord Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father understand Their Word. Yes, they clearly understand the Words they told you to live and die by. We need to do both because you live spiritually unto God by showing forth the holy, righteous, pure and good fruits of God while you also must crucify your flesh to the place where you die daily to self and the lust of the flesh. In our last teaching we clearly stated that every believer must be willing to identify with the “suffering” of Christ and that is the reason understanding God’s “longsuffering” is critical to your love walk. Too many Christians think that Christianity should yield a better life independently of suffering, but no, no, our faith friend, that concept is unbiblical. It is rather after the suffering of crucifying the flesh and its lust thereof that the believer can enter into a more spiritually peaceful victorious life. We (ihlcc) are saying all this to articulate the very real fact that you will need to be “longsuffering” with people as you walk out the Word of God in your everyday life. You must be “longsuffering” with all people, period, if you choose to be pleasing to God. Yes, it will take faith, the study of God’s Word, a heart of kindness with patience to know this trial also will pass away. Praise should replace complaining just like peace should replace frustration to walk in “God’s Longsuffering”. This word is affirming the fact that whether someone in your immediate family or a boss or a neighbor inevitably (or God forbid all three at one time) you will need to be “longsuffering” to come out victorious on the other side of the trial. Suffering only last for season but it is up to you just how peaceful and pleasant you are during that season. It is not God’s Perfect Will for any of His Beloved Children to go through life on earth being miserable but some children of God are not using the gifts and graces of God to carry them through the battle ground of the earth. Some believers speak of how they think (their own opinion) and what they will do (their own actions) without confessing the victory God has already given them through grace by faith. This is not God’s fault but rather a Christian’s reality if they lack the power of “longsuffering”. We (ihlcc) cannot stress to you enough the importance of being “longsuffering” like God but we can encourage you to always choose God’s Word to overcome all the problems you face on this earth because then and only then will the fruits of God’s Word (longsuffering, kindness, patience, etc…) be tangible (visible, a reality) in your life. Remember Jesus came to give you His abundant life but don’t ever forget He suffered first before He entered into His Glory. We share this same pattern because all believers must suffer in the flesh to completely enjoy the greater spiritual measures of God’s blessing of “Longsuffering” wrapped inside of God’s Love. Amen!